Two more interviews in Spanish and Catalan from my days in Barcelona

Two new interviews in Spain's La Vanguardia and El Salto (in Spanish and Catalan)

So I was in Barcelona for a discussion with Gemma Ruiz at the Finestres bookstore, and I met with many Spanish and Catalan journalists. The first two features published today.

¿Tienen las mujeres mejor sexo bajo el socialismo?

Kristen Ghodsee: “El capitalismo no respeta a las madres, pero nos necesita, ¿quién va a comprar iPhone si dejamos de tener bebés?”

Excerpt in El País

So I actually didn’t know this was going to happen, but it seems that Capitan Swing, my Spanish publisher, arranged to have an excerpt of the Spanish book published under my name in Spain’s second largest newspaper. It’s pretty weird to see my name on something that I had no idea about, but I suppose this is standard book promotion stuff. At least I like the photo they chose to accompany the excerpt.

El Pais excerpt.jpg